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Twitter Cash Machine - Master Affiliate Marketing On Twitter

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Twitter Cash Machine - Master Affiliate Marketing On Twitter

414 ratings

How is this college kid making grands from his smartphone?


Do you have 10s of affiliate links but don't know how to sell?

Do you post affiliate links in your tweets only to get no sales?

Do you have 100s of followers but still make no sales?

If you're subconsciously screaming "YESS"

I have a solution for your problem.

Do you know when I made my first affiliate sale?

When I had just 14 followers.

One of my students made his first affiliate sale at 9 followers.

Imagine what you could do with 100s or 1000s of followers.


I know you are here with that exact question.

Well, fortunately

You're lucky!

I am giving you all the answers you need.

All you have to do is

Keep reading and don't skip a single line.

Just don't.

Shall we dive in ;)

Let's visualise a situation

You are chilling on the couch watching Netflix and just when the guy is about to propose the girl,

A notification pops on your phone…

"It's payday! $1305.23 has been deposited to your account."


By watching Netflix dude!

But Alessio how to make muhney?

It's called Affiliate marketing.

The best thing I find about this business is the $0 start-up cost.

You can literally make money from thin air.

The busineses model stupid simple.

Let me lay out the steps for you ;)

Step 1: Get a course

Step 2: Get results

Step 3: Show results, make money

The steps seem simple and easy.

Yet I see so many people struggling to execute it while a handful make all the money.

There's a reason for that.

Although they know what to do.

They don't know how to do it.

I want to change this.

I want every single one of you to win!


You may be wondering,

Learn How To Use Twitter For Affiliate Marketing

1. You don't need your own product.

2. You can bank on other's results

3. You can start even with very small following

4. You can leverage the authority of the creator.

5. Super high affiliate commissions ranging from 50% to a mouth watering 75%.

So now that you know what you have to do,

You need to know how you have to do it.

It's not just that I know affiliate marketing.

I even know how to teach people affiliate marketing.

See there is a big difference between the two.

You might know something but you are unable to teach it to beginners.

You don't want to learn from someone like that.

And we both know it,

I know how to make you pro in this field.

Maybe you want to see what my students have to say?

Here you go ;)

Even while handling college,

I was able to

Grow a sizeable audience (20k+ followers)

I have earnt $10.000+


Closed 180 sales in 150 days which is more than 1 sale a day. My first $500 in my first 40 days with less than 1k followers.

Imagine this

I have been consistently making at least 1 sale a day for 10 months now.

I have the exact blueprint to make consistent sales which you can just copy and start seeing the results.

I am getting one of the highest ROI per follower of mine and here's what the creators who I affiliate for have to say:

Over the span of 70+ pages

I will teach you everything that I have learnt in the best 10 months of my life!

1. The blueprint to closing sales in Dms (value= $39)

- How to attract people in your Dms?

- How to start the conversation and then redirect it to talking about the product?

- How to find what product to sell?

- How to build an intimate connection?

- When to drop that affiliate link?

- When to follow up?

- How to follow up?

2. A case study of a perfect sale in Dms (value = $10)

Promotional tweets (value = $50)

- How to make your offer irresistible

- How to sell through tweets even when you have 20 followers ;)

- The algorithm secret to get more engagement and sales

1. Headline

2. Body

3. CTA

4. The best location to place the link

5. What you should include in an ideal promotional tweet?

6. The snipe method to get more sales

4. When not to promote? (Invaluable)

5. How many times to promote? ($50)

And much more….

Frequently asked questions

- What do I actually learn in this guide?

- How to find products to affiliate for?

- What kind of products to affiliate for?

- How do I make 90% of my sales?

- How to make sales in Dms?

- How to write tweets that sell?

And much more...


This is not a 12 page ebook I wrote yesterday after copy from random blogs on the internet.

This is a 70+ page integrated guide which will help you in each step of your affiliate marketing career.

Isn't affiliate marketing bad for your reputation in the long term?

Short answer:


As long as you promote products which benefit your audience there is no harm.

Instead you are doing them a favour by telling what is worth their money and they should buy.

Note:- I teach you how to choose affiliate products and what not to sell in detail.

Who this is for?

1. Do you want to make money from your smartphone?

2. Do you not have enough initial capital to start an agency or business?

3. Are you willing to put in the work?

If you head is screaming "YESSS" to the above questions,

Click on "I WANT THIS".

Who this isn't for?

1. Do you quit easily?

2. Are you lazy and just want to watch Netflix your whole life?

3. Do you complain a lot about your life and not take action?

If you are getting a "Yes" for any of the above,

Close this window and enjoy(survive) your life.

Who are you and why should I trust you with my money?

I am Alessio.

A 20 year old random guy from Belgium

I know how it feels bad to be scammed in online courses that promise to teach you something but they don't.

I hate buyer's remorse just like you,

So here we go:


This means that if you don’t see the results you want after 30 days of applying what’s inside. 

I’ll refund your purchase without further questions.

See you have two choices right now:


You are just here to waste your time just like you are wasting your life.

This means you should close this window and then keep complaining about how broke you are.

I understand that not everyone is supposed to make a living so easily.

Good luck ;)


The mere fact that you have read till here suggests to me that you are an action taker.

I feel you are made for greater things than being stuck in traffic for 2 hours only to be ranted by your fat old Boss.

The fact that you've read till here makes me so happy that I am offering an exclusive discount to YOU.

See the value of this course is way more than $150 to be honest.

But since you are an action taker,

I won't charge you that much.

The price for you

Is $79.

It would be crazy to not charge that much for the insane value I am providing,

But since I am in a good mood today

Here's the price for TODAY


Click on that "I want this" button now and


Or close this window and feel guilty of not earning money while 15 year olds are collecting $1000s here.

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